
Finexys has evolved from David Lindon & Co, a firm of Chartered Accountants established in January 2000.

Over the years David Lindon & Co has secured a number of major clients whose international activities have rapidly expanded across Europe and beyond. We have dealt with all their outsourced accounting and local taxation needs through the establishment of an extensive and growing network of associate firms throughout the EMEA region that possess the requisite expertise to ensure full compliance.

The partners have recognised that such is the extent of these activities, they warranted the formation of a specialist unit to develop bespoke reporting models and both maintain and expand a network of associate firms throughout the EMEA region. As a result we are capable of satisfying all of a client’s needs for accounting and local tax compliance across Europe and beyond.

That specialist unit is Finexys.

So what makes us different?

We have developed a high level of expertise in local accounting and taxation requirements across Europe while maintaining the personal approach to clients that is associated with a smaller firm. In this way we combine flexibility in meeting client needs with a degree of experience and professionalism normally only found within much larger firms. As a result, clients receive complete peace of mind that their affairs are being comprehensively attended to while benefiting from consistency of contact and the lower cost structures a firm of our size is able to guarantee.

In summary, we can match the extent of services and scope of coverage on offer from our larger competitors whilst comprehensively beating them on cost and guaranteeing a more personal and consistent standard of customer care.

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